The operational area is abundant in non-timber minor forest products such as sehakai, tamarind, amla, and honey. Historically, local tribal people have been collecting and selling these products at low prices to agents. Recognizing the potential for economic empowerment, RDC, with the generous support of HCL, initiated a series of training sessions on value addition for these forest goods. Empowered with newfound knowledge, beneficiaries have actively engaged in the value addition process, showcasing promising results. They have transitioned from merely collecting and selling raw forest products to processing and selling value-added goods at better prices. The completion of the Multipurpose Center adds a centralized space for these activities, enhancing efficiency and community collaboration. To boost the economic status of tribal women, HCL-supported training sessions have played a pivotal role. Forest products, including 5000 kg of seasonal tamarind, 1k liters of honey, 220kg of Sehakai, 340 kg of horse gram, 280 kg of mustard, and 520 kg of amla, have been processed with the active involvement of 355 women. This initiative has not only resulted in tangible economic benefits but also signifies a significant success. More women are enthusiastically embracing value addition, collectively contributing to profits amounting to 3.5 lakh. This success story underscores the transformative impact of empowering communities through education and skill development..