A few words
About Us
About Us
We Are For the Tribals
Rural Development Council came into existence in the year 2002 to work towards the upliftment and bettermnet of triba communties in Denkanikottai, Krishnagiri district. The most disadvantaged Dalit, Irula Adivasi communkties did not have access to basic amenities which furthered their distance from being a part of the society. Our focus is on enabling women and children from these communties as they were at risk of being exploited of their basic rights. Through our initiatives, cawe encourage them to avail socia schemes that are implemented for them by the Government. Apart from that, we as an organization carry out programs that can steaddily and sustainably promote their livelihood, health, literacy rate and educate them to exercise their rights to have equitable opportunities in the society. In the long run, we aim to transform the society they live in and empower them o efffectively lead thei live. From 2022, the organzation is working in Walajabad to providehousing with supportive services for people with psychosocial disabilities
RDC envisions an egalitarian society in which indigenous Adivasi communities and Dalits lead a life with dignity, self-identity and protected livelihood resources with access to customary rights over forests, lands and attainment of every human rights especially child and women’s rights in socio-economic, cultural and political spheres
RDC is committed to facilitate the empowerment process of the most deplorable social groups of adivasis and dalits towards establishment of Self Governance, Ownership and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources, with emphasis on People Centered Sustainable Development, micro action research for evidence-based advocacy, revival of traditional knowledge and practices and, collective actions to protect forest and natural resources
Evening study centre – 10
Beneficiaries –375
people received community certificates
Aadhar card for tribal members
received house patta
ANC. PNC mothers – regular screening and care
people receiving old age pension
Ration card -
primary schools established
- To reduce school drop outs and enhance retention of children in schools towards implementation of Right to Education Act 2009, with special focus on ensuring right to education for girl children
- To eliminate the practice of child marriage and to prevent girls falling prey to camp labor
- To capacitate the communities to access all basic entitlements and other welfare measures
- To pave way for accessing basic health care for women and children, ensure 100% coverage of immunization and prevent infant mortality and Maternal mortality
- To enable the community for protection of forests and rich biodiversity with eco-balance in collaboration with forest department and other stakeholders.
- To enhance the capacity of women towards promotion of gender equality and empowerment of women
- To capacitate women on income generation related to value addition to Non Timber Minor Forest Produces towards safeguard of livelihood rights
- To work towards enforcement of Forest Rights Act towards ensuring collective rights over land and forests
- To promote local sustainable economic sources and thereby eliminate bonded labor practices and reduce distress migration among Adivasis
- To commission studies and micro action research on emerging issues on women and children to promote evidence based advocacy on all rights

Board Members
Mrs. Nandhini .R
Mrs. Nagamma .S
Vice President
Mrs . Gowri .K
Mrs. Agnes Vimala
Mrs . Jobe Jesentha .J
Executive Member
Mr. SenthilRaja .P
Executive Member
Executive Member
Mr. Umasankar .S
General Body Member
General Body Member
Advisory Members
Dr.Raja Samuel
Dr. Hariram
Team Members
Mr. Joseph Stalin
Project Director
Mrs. Janani
Mr. Henry
Livelihood Coordinator
Mrs. Shirly
Project Lead
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